Preschool Teacher

Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be a preschool teacher, even for one hour!  But it happened last Friday.  I subbed for Julianne, our preschool teacher for the last hour of the day.  Julianne told me the plan was to be outside so I dressed for the weather.  Although very overcast and cold, I was glad it didn’t rain.

I introduced myself to the students when I arrived and they didn’t miss a beat.  They took me in as one of their own and included me in all of the outdoor activities that day.  I worked fast – in 30 minutes, I helped make a mud and leaf soup, loaded a wagon with various tools and containers and toted it around the playground, overturned logs in search of worms, slugs, and spiders, played on the swings, lined up dinosaurs in the sandbox from biggest to smallest, and filled watering can with water.

A routine for the students is critical at any level, but especially in preschool.  The students knew their routines for getting their outdoor clothes on, brushing their feet with a brush before going back inside, using the bathroom, and gathering around the table for lunch.

I was asked to read a couple of books to the students while they ate and happily obliged.  Parents strolled in and casually left with their children.  It was nice to have the time to check in with the parents.  Once the students left it was time for dish washing and general clean up.

The plan is to return in one week to the Greenwood Preschool to cover for the teacher assistant.  I am looking forward to seeing my new friends again!